Woodfall Primary School and Nursery

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Physical Education Curriculum Statement

Physical Education at Woodfall Primary School and Nursery is valued for its unique contribution in developing children’s physical, social, interpersonal and emotional skills. It provides opportunities for children to be creative and competitive while learning to work with and respect others.  We also recognise how integral P.E is to giving children the knowledge, understanding and the tools to make informed choices about healthy living and have a positive impact on their own health and well-being.

At Woodfall Primary School and Nursery, children learn how to plan, perform and evaluate actions, often in pairs and small groups, helping them to develop the quality and effectiveness of their work. The children across our school develop confidence and competence in different skills and build a resilience that enables them to overcome challenges as they arise. A positive attitude towards an active lifestyle is promoted and we aim to introduce children to lifelong physical activity. This is provided by the children having access to a range of sporting extra-curricular clubs that accommodate a wide variety of interests.

There are a vast number of benefits for children who experience increased movement and physical activity in early childhood. In addition to creating healthy habits and fostering a lifelong commitment to physical activity, children whose early childhood education is based in movement enjoy the following benefits in both early childhood and for the rest of their lives:

  • Better social and motor skill development

  • Increased school readiness skills

  • Building developing muscles, bones, and joints faster

  • Reducing fat and lowering blood pressure

  • Reducing depression and anxiety

  • Increased learning capacity

  • Developing healthier social, cognitive, and emotional skills

  • Building strength, self-confidence, concentration, and co-ordination from an early age

Children across KS1 and KS2, work with a professional sports coach to enhance their skills across the P.E curriculum for at least 1 hour per week, with the other 1 hour session being taught by their class teacher. In the Foundation Stage children are encouraged to access a wide range of physical activity provision throughout the indoor and outdoor classroom as well as taking part in set P.E sessions, with our Nursery classes following the same provision. Physical Development is one of the areas in the Early Year Foundation Stage where children learn to explore, experiment and refine their social, gross and fine motor skills. In Key Stage 1 children build on their early experiences and move into paired and group activities. They begin to play different games, explore and link actions, improve co-ordination and balance. They begin to express ideas and feelings about their own performances. In Key Stage 2 Children build on their previous experiences through a broader P.E curriculum. They learn specific skills and refine and improve existing ones. The children develop confidence to evaluate their own and other performances and reflect on how they can improve. They learn to work as a team in pairs and small groups as well as taking part in competitive experiences so that they develop a greater awareness of the importance for their actions as well as being successful.

Long, medium and short term planning embraces the National Curriculum, pupil voice feedback and with support uses the Rising Stars ‘Champions scheme’ for both Key Stages 1 and 2. ‘Champions’ is a Sports, Fitness and Health programme for years 1 to 6. It is a holistic approach to the teaching of P.E, which improves fitness, develops skills and deepens knowledge of health and wellbeing. It is used as a part of wider school improvement and an effective measure of individual children’s fitness and sport progress.

Please download and read our curriculum overviews and AFL (assessment for learning) questions to see how we build and progress on skills from EYFS to Year 6. 

 Active Woodfall



Here at Woodfall, we love to provide opportunities for aspiring leaders to practise their communiation and demonstration skills with a range of year groups. Small groups of play leaders, lead lunch time physical activity sessions based on a fundamental physical skill, for example: balance, hand-eye coordination or throwing. Each group plan and prepare activites for a 4-5 week block in an effort to get Woodfall moving! Many of our KS1 pupils have joined in with their specific play leaders each week; it has helped our KS2 leaders to build good relationships with the younger pupils. 


All pupils should leave primary school being able to swim at least 25 metres using various strokes and perform basic lifesaving techniques. Swimming lessons are available in conjunction with the Neston Recreation Centre and funded through the Sports Premium Grant. 

PE Premium 

Sports Co-ordinator

Miss Hughes (Year 5 teacher) is our Subject Leader for PE and co-ordinates matches and competitions that our children are involved with. As part of the Sports Partnership we take part in inter schools tournaments: hockey, football, basketball, netball, cricket, indoor/outdoor athletics and tennis. 

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Woodfall Primary and Nursery School
Woodfall Lane, Little Neston, Neston, CH64 4BT

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