Here at Woodfall Primary School, our pupils and staff are committed to continuous learning about our planet and our environment. We are strengthening our understanding of the impact of climate change and taking steps as a community to minimise our carbon footprint.

Our school is represented by our eco-committee, 'The Green Rangers', who breathe life and enthusiasm into our school-wide systems, events and discussions on how to best protect our local and wider environment.

At the heart of our 'eco' approach is learning. We recognise that educating ourselves and each other is the key to success in effecting real change.

Updates from the academic year 2021/2022

Beginning on the 20th September, Woodfall Primary School took part in 'Recycle Week'. This was a fantastic opportunity for children of all ages in our school to enhance and share their knowledge of how waste is recycled. During this time, Woodfall pupils demonstrated their passion to reduce unnecessary waste and support effective recycling, both at home and in school. A number of pupils combined their creativity with their refreshed recycling knowledge and crafted models and toys from items that would have otherwise been sent to a landfill or incinerator. Inspired during this week, pupils uncovered that our school glue sticks have recently become recyclable and a plastic recycling station has been designated to collect these.

In October, The Green Rangers have been responsible for researching and implementing our school's participation in a crisp packet recycling scheme. After identifying the vast quantities of crisp packets going into general waste, The Green Rangers set about to research and find a solution to minimise Woodfall's contribution to landfill and incinerator waste. Woodfall Primary School is now proudly part of Walker's recycling scheme and The Green Rangers' aim is to reduce the amount of recyclable crisp/snack packets going into general waste to 0%. The enthusiastic team is cheerfully collecting packets on a Friday which are then sent off to be recycle. Once approved, Woodfall Primary School will become a public drop-off point where neighbours and members of the local community can recycle crisp and eligible snack packets / wrappers too.

We are thrilled to see the kilograms of collected packets that are now being diverted from landfills and will be recycled into a useful plastic.

Woodfall ECO Code

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Woodfall Primary and Nursery School
Woodfall Lane, Little Neston, Neston, CH64 4BT

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