International Links

Reaccreditation of the International School Award 2015-2018

We are delighted to inform you that Woodfall Primary School has been successful in being re-accredited for the International School Award and is accredited for three years from 1 September 2021 to 31 August 2024.

Our school, under Mrs Gleave’s leadership in this area, completed an impact evaluation and the accredited assessor noted the following:

‘This is an outstanding and well-presented Impact Evaluation, which clearly outlines your ISA journey, and the progress you have made towards embedding the global dimension into your curriculum in a sustained way.’

‘The work you have conducted and delivered with your South African and Zimbabwean partner schools is impressive.’

 Mrs Gleave has been informed:

‘Congratulations on working so hard to co-ordinate such an impressive range of work as the International Co-ordinator. You are a credit to the school and the wider community.’


Woodfall Primary School is pleased to have successful links with two schools. 


South Africa 

St. James RC Primary School,

Barton Road,

Kalk Bay,

South Africa



Ecole Pierre Vincent,                                                             Ecole Jean Rostand,

Alissas,                                                                                  Riom,

Ardeche,                                                                                Auvergne,

France                                                                                   France


Our Aims - International Links


  • To provide opportunities for the children to discover other cultures through real experiences and regular communication.
  • To develop their curiosity about other cultures.
  • To respect and value other cultures and values, challenging any stereotypical views.
  • To welcome teachers from other countries to Woodfall as part of school exchanges.
  • To enrich our school curriculum through collaborative work.
  • To further develop language skills.
  • To form new and lasting friendships, both staff and children.


International Leader - Mrs T Gleave


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Woodfall Primary and Nursery School
Woodfall Lane, Little Neston, Neston, CH64 4BT

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