Mrs Foster-Knight
My maiden name was Knight and then in 1996 I married my husband whose surname was Foster and we both decided to take on both names and therefore became Foster-Knight.
The surname Foster (Forster, or Forester) derives from the ancient title and office bestowed upon those overseeing the upkeep and administration of hunting territories belonging to either the monarch, or bishop (where empowered to grant warren).
The common surname Knight is a status name from the Middle English knyghte, meaning "knight." While it may refer to someone who was actually a knight, it was a name often taken by servants in a royal or knightly household, or even to one who won a title in a contest of skill.
I have had the privilege of working at Woodfall since 2008 as a Learning Support Teaching Assistant which I love! Prior to working at Woodfall, I worked for a bank (HBOS) for 16 years.