There are multiple apps that you should be aware of that your child could access. This is a an App Fact Sheet - please note that school do not allow the use of these apps in school.
Here are some more fact sheets about some specific apps
Snapchat - Photo sharing app
Instagram - Like Facebook or Twitter but just for photos, there is another factsheet here
Fifa 23 - Football game with chat and purchases
Bereal - Like facebook and instagram but ask you to take a photo of what you are doing at that moment
Reddit - Community forums on any topic
Amigo - Social media app that connects people that speak different languages aroudn the world
Useful esafety links for parents/carers:
Useful esafety links for children:
Infants: http://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/5_7/
Juniors: http://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/8_10/
If something or someone is making you feel uncomfortable or upset online and feel it needs to be reported please follow the link below (please talk to an adult you trust first):