
Our French partner schools are Ecole Pierre Vincent, in Alissas and Ecole Jean Rostand, in Riom.

Alissas is a village near the town of Privas in the Ardeche region.  Ecole Pierre Vincent has 203 pupils and 11 teachers. It is one of the largest primary schools in the educational department of Grenoble.  All the children from preschool to Year 6 learn English.

The link was set up in March 2011 and to date there have been 2 teacher exchanges. Mrs Jones who was MFL teacher at Woodfall at the time went to Alissas in March 2011 and Flore Mignon who visited Woodfall in December the same year.

In June 2019, our Woodall MFL teacher Miss Saulnier and the English teacher Mrs Reynier in Ecole Jean Rostand set up a Skype exchange between our year 6 pupils and the French pupils in CM2.

Riom is a commune in the Puy-de-Dôme department in Auvergne in central France. Ecole Jean Rostand has 300 pupils including nursery.  This is our most recent partner school, as the link was set up in September 2019. Woodall pupils exchange termly letters, information, pictures and emails with their equivalent class. With the help of Mrs Florence Vullo who teaches English in jean Rostand, each pupils in year 5 now have   individual French penfriends.


The aims of the link are to develop language learning in a practical situation with the exchange of emails, photos, letters and video links and to increase children's cultural awareness by learning about other cultures and customs.

Here are some photos of Ecole Pierre Vincent from Mrs Jones’ visit, Year 6 School project and Year 5 letters to Ecole Jean Rostand.





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Woodfall Primary and Nursery School
Woodfall Lane, Little Neston, Neston, CH64 4BT

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